This shall be a brave kingdom to me, where I shall have my music for nothing!” - Stephano

— Tempest

Sounds and Sweet Airs

that give delight and hurt not....

In 1982 Figgy Duff wrote and performed an original score for Shakespeare's "The (Newfoundland) Tempest", as conceived and directed by Stephen Bush. There was no formal record of the score, and Noel Dinn, who had composed much of the music, passed away in 1993. Pamela didn't want the music lost, so she contacted Stephen, who happened to have four cassettes recorded by an audience member. Pamela transcribed the tapes, and over decades, piggybacking on other projects, recorded and mixed the score, complete with actors' voiceovers. There is also a version with no voiceovers for anyone wishing to license the recording for use in their own production. Yes, Stephano, you can have your music for nothing, but if you would like to support the artist, click the button below! 

The Sounds and Sweet airs booklet serves as a dialogue guide to accompany the album.. 

The Masque film was created for the 2009 production of The Tempest at Grenfell College under the direction of Ken Livingstone. The film is by Alex Geng, choreographed by Sioned Watkins.